Google’s Local SERPs are broken

It’s not only me, even though, I seem to be one of the first who blogged about it (in Swedish though) this morning. I’v got it confirmed from SEOs all over Europe by now. Google has some really bad issues with localized SERPs. That is, to show the most relevant sites for a user searching from a certain area.

And I’m not talkning about local as in local from Stockholm. I’m taling about Bosnian, Serbian, Peruan, Thai and Korean sites showing really high up in search results when searching, in Swedish (hl=sv) from Of course this isn’t for Swedish words. It’s almost only affecting high volume money terms, and predominantly for international search phrases (the word SEO, is an example, and bingo is another) and for brand names such as Volvo, Renault, or football teams.

The first 5-6 search results are almost always fine, but then English sites tend to show up. And on page 2 the weird results start showing.

Do you see it to?

I get reports from the US that UK sites suddenly are very visible in the SERPs for insurance terms, and from Austria that their SERPs are full of German sites. It looks really weird, now that we have grown used to Google being able to figure out the market for a site, and I think this must be a bug. Maybe something as simple as a table carrying geographic data, that got screwed up.