Get in line for Memoto

Yesterday, a Swedish startup company named Memoto, started their pledge for US$ 50,000 on Kikstarter, to get their lifelogging device, the Memoto camera into the production phase. It took them five hours to reach their goal, and within the first 36 hours of their Kickstarter campaign, they gathered over 1,000 backers, and over US$ 200,000.

Now that’s what I call a succesful Kickstarter campaign!

I can’t wait til February, when my own device arrives, and I’m also really looking forward to the ethical discussions that will be raised when a couple of thousand geeks suddenly walk around taking two photographs per minute of their entire days.

Memoto has already, before there are more than a couple of pre-production units about, led to numerous discussions on the ethics on surveillance, on jurisdiction, on how to protect people with a lot of integrity issues…

And there will be more to come.